
Community Connections

JPI canned food drive back of truck filled with food

Canned Food Drive

JPI Associates in both regions of the company organized a canned food drive to help stock our local food banks and support community members in need. We are incredibly proud to report that JPI Associates contributed 2,353 pounds of canned food between the San Diego and North Texas Food Banks. This contribution equates to 1,960 […]

JPI Feed My Starving Children volunteering

Feed My Starving Children

Our Design and Development team from the central region spent the day at Feed my Starving Children packing food. Feed my Starving Children is a Christian non-profit organization dedicated to feeding the hungry around the world. The group volunteered packing 38 cases of food that was shipped to Peru. To put that into perspective, the 38 cases that […]

North Texas Food Bank team volunteers

North Texas Food Bank

Our People + Culture team spent the afternoon at the North Texas Food Bank bagging meals for local kids in the community. Through NTFB’s Child Programs, they work with schools and social service programs in a 13-county service area to distribute and serve nutritious foods to kids in need throughout the school year and the summer months. […]

Site development with machinery

MQ Fossils

The JPI Western Region construction team at Jefferson Makers Quarters, as part of the excavation process for the project, worked with a paleontologist to review the earthworks for any historical findings. It was exciting for everyone to discover several ancient seabed fossils on our site! Our construction team assisted the Natural History Museum with the […]

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